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英语屋第十期 英语沙龙 来自Daisy分享

发表于 2014-7-16 13:06:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 英语小组 于 2014-7-16 13:31 编辑

    自周日English Salon 回来,意犹未尽,和小伙伴们一起待的5个小时,感觉时间过得很快。
    除了在大学时候参加过的English Corner 以外,这几乎是我工作近十年来的第一次参加的社会类英文活动。而在澳洲生活期间,除了参加学校必须的Seminar, Presentation 以外,几乎已经不太想再用英文交流了,这也或许是我英文水平一直得不到很大提高的原因吧。
   Firstly ,I would like to appreciate the precious opportunity given by one of organizers Butterfly to share my impressions of the English Salon held on July 13th.
    I can’t stop recalling what happened in my English Salon since I came back . I still remember everything about the English Salon , and feel how time flies when I have been with our fellows  within five hours in the western restaurant.
    It was my first time to attended such an English social activity during the recent years.except that i spent a few time to participate english corner in university.when I lived in Australia, I would prefer to finish the assignment like seminar presentation to use English in the social activities. Probably this is one of the biggest factors that causes me keep constantly a lower English level .
    这次活动中令我感觉印象最深刻的是我们butterfly老师的耐心和整个活动从头至尾的融洽氛围。学到了一些我在国外也不曾留意和关注的单词,也惊异butterfly老师会使用很多地道纯正的英文表达方式。而对于我而言,一个工作了很多年也有一些旅外经验的Lady 最大的意义不在于我真得学习到了什么,而是我通过这样的活动保持了一种坚持学习的动力和心态。这对于我来说是最大的收获,甚至是我为自己感到自豪的。
    Actually, something special in this English Salon truly impressed me . Our fellows and I had got a lot of new points from our teacher which some of them had been ignored by me in Australia . I was very surprised that teacher Butterfly almost did like a native speaker. I was moved by the friendly and close atmosphere between each other.
     On the other side, as a full working experienced lady with some overseas life experience, the most significant thing for me is a motivation and attitude of keeping studying , not just something I had gained , which I would be proud of myself.
    Additional, however we improve our English level by a variety of effective ways, enrolling a English course with too much cost in WaltStreet English, hiring a native speaker as your private tutor to provide one by one course ,regularly attending various social English activities.
   In the end ,the key point is that you have to learn English by yourself in your spare time. I would like to advise you to spend more time to review the useful points after our English activities, try to keep them deep into your mind ,practice the new words or sentences with your fellows next time.
    另外还要感谢我们的助教阿B 给我们分享那些多关于他在加拿大学习的趣事。而阿B的幽默诙谐本身也是这个活动的一个亮点。让我们一起期待下次的英语聚会吧!
   At last , thank for a lot of joy given by Teaching Assistant B,actually,whoes humor is a highlight of our English Salon , and let’s look forward to the following activities.
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