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发表于 2006-11-25 21:17:26 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-11-25 21:23:25 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-7-11 16:29:13 | 显示全部楼层



Xin Fu Xin Chun Elderly Home New Year travel Silver activities have feelings    (original author : Ding Yi)
Today is the Lunar December 27, I, as Guangzhou Young Volunteer Association of a It will be led by members of Xin Fu Xin Chun Elderly Home (The Heart to H eart Home) of the old Silver joined the city to see the sights. Early in the morning, I visited a happy mood came to the Xin Fu Xin Chun Elderly Home, We have volunteers go on to gather there, they are the elderly and those chatting, happy to see such a picture in my mind of a rise to understand the feelings, we simply pay, is able to bring to the old people happy, and they, like us, need to care and concern. Intelligent need some atmosphere to mobilize their lonely life, and those of us volunteers can act as role Although they could not bring material enjoyment, but it can bring spiritual Wei Ji, thus arranged, the elderly and lonely. give them spiritual joy, it is our unshirkable responsibility. Is the occasion with emotion, the music sounded, the old people';s morning exercise time, it is old people everyday tasks, Today is certainly no exception, so we quickly formed a row very seriously follow them together, and Although this is only some of the activities of tendonitis simple movements, but these orphaned and disabled elderly, it is essential, "Life is movement" of any person does not change the truth. Finished the morning exercises, today the real start of a -- to lead Silver For old people, For Silver Guangzhou during Chinese New Year is a major feature of the annual spring before and after leave enough storage space for all kinds of flowers, in order to provide a contrast to the festive atmosphere, increasing the New Year celebrations. For Silver today will be even more meaningful. Now we pushing these old people love to the west of LiWan Road goers, People watching an old Zhang wrinkled faces, I feel very proud, because we are a small operation, able to exchange their bright smiles, their lives can serve as the flavoring agent, so that their lives more taste, This is our greatest joy. Along the way, everyone in various stages of animation, and unwittingly arrived at the Fair, should come a sea of flowers, all kinds of flowers contests, and seems to be an elderly Zhang meet the smiling faces, this time more old people';s spirits. Even in peacetime the most Shanyan Granny will occasionally to give us her favorite flower species, a pink camellia. Bailishugong Diaozhongyan of flowers, purple cockscomb, the yellow chrysanthemums, red-hot Rose ... The old folks say this election is spent meticulously planned, Guangzhou people like Chap blossoms symbolize "ambitions"; Chap home Diaozhongyan flowers, said the New Year bell sounded the new year bring a better life, and also indicated that "a ring for Queensway, profits," In the new year';s intention to riches; Citrus place in the house said four inauspicious; Camellia home display. select the successful rich Italy ... It appears that alone is not enough to admire, really should study more study, The reason why I think we should respect and care for the elderly, not only because they are weaker, In fact, more precise saying that they are the test of time, a very profound knowledge of the elderly, they are our "guide" What we can do is bring them to the laughter of 1:00, and they could still teach us a lot of knowledge, Let us forget the rest of their lives, I found more and go with them to Silver, the visit was a happy trip, all tired and happy than they had been not worth a mention, although most of them are sitting in wheelchairs, But mental health is very rich in their possession a person can be infected with the "charismatic" Instead of saying that we These volunteers are their "Sunshine Boy", better to say that these elderly people is our "Xinlingjishang" with them together, we feel very joyful spirit, Thinking very broad, in fact, we do anything, is an interactive process, and if you really pay, we can be truly return. Silver walk, but printed in our minds not to those beautiful flowers, but this is a group of old people talkative, They very rich spiritual than physical or incomplete, open-minded, optimistic tat, on the generation of our young people and they should be more communication and exchanges, which is compulsory, as well as the responsibility, and a spirit of enjoyment. New Year is around the corner, let us wish the whole world were old people should be beaming, comfortably century! Editor : feifei
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-25 19:39:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
做完了早操,今天真正的活动开始了——带领老人们逛花街,逛花街是广州过新年的一大特色,每年新春前后都要留有一定的地方摆放各式各样的花朵,以此来烘托节日的气氛,增加新年的喜庆。今天逛花街将会更有意义,现在由我们推着这些慈爱的老人们向荔湾北路花市出发,看着老人们一张张布满皱纹的笑脸,我就感到非常自豪,因为我们一次小小的行动,却能换来他们灿烂的微笑,可以充当他们生活中的调味剂,让他们的生活多一些滋味,这是我们最大的快乐。一路上大家有说有笑,不知不觉地就来到了花市,不,应该是来到了花的海洋,各种各样的花争奇斗艳,仿佛是一张张迎接老人的笑脸,这时候老人们更有兴致了,连平时最不善言的老太也会时不时地向我们介绍她所钟爱的花种,有粉红的茶花、白里透红的吊钟花、紫色的鸡冠花、金黄色的菊花、火红的玫瑰…老人们说这个选花还是很有讲究的,  广州人喜插桃花,寓意“大展鸿图”; 家里插吊钟花,表示新年的钟声,敲响了新一年美好生活的降临,还表示“金钟一响,黄金万两”,在新的一年里发财致富之意;四季橘摆在家里表示四季吉利;家里摆放茶花,取其美满富贵之意…看样子,光是赏花还是不够的,真是应该多学习学习,我想我们之所以要尊敬和爱护老人,不完全因为他们是弱者,其实更确切的说他们是经过岁月的洗礼的,知识很渊博的长者,他们是我们的“领路人”,我们能做的只是给他们带去一时的欢笑,而他们却能传授给我们很多知识,让我们受用一世,我越来越发现同他们在一起逛花街,是一趟幸福之旅,所有的劳累和他们的快乐相比,已经不值得一提了,他们虽然大部分都坐着轮椅,但他们精神上却很健康富有,在他们身上有一种能感染人的“魅力”,与其说我们这些志愿者是他们的“开心果”,还不如说这些长者就是我们的“心灵鸡汤”,同他们在一起,我们觉得精神上很愉悦,思维上很开阔,其实我们做任何事,都是一个互动过程,只要你真心付出,就一定能得到真心的回报。
Ghost,lucicylo ,高妹,小木子,张嘉家,小新,李希维,Tifffany,卫建安,Jerry,ryanjordan,天神,萍姐,丁一,木木,小珊,子慧,求琪,少颖,北门吹水,elaine,猫猫,珊妹,老冰,雨灵,傻猪曳猪,陈静贤,AKIKI,Karen,邱卉,吕晨,朱艳云,点点,suee,冰河,潘颖琦,dollod,翁冠碧,hehe,戴之芳,邓凯玲,小小小雨,李欣,鸡蛋叮,Kinki,anly
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