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发表于 2006-11-25 19:56:34 | |阅读模式
进入教室,小朋友兴奋地扑过来,拉着我们的手不停叫哥哥姐姐。 今日的安排是教小朋友画画。我们把桌子合并到教室中间,然后组织小朋友围坐着,每个义工照顾身边的两个小朋友。然后YOYO把画笔和“画纸”分给小朋友和义工。“画纸”其实只是报纸,这样是不是太随便了,为什么不是用白纸呢?后来知道了,原来大部分小朋友都没有足够的认知,报纸和白纸都是一样的,画画也只是让他们拿笔在纸上随意涂鸦,由于留下来的小朋友大多是智障比较严重的,所以我们的目的不是教会他们学会画画,而是让他们认识到这是在画画,有个概念而已。 教画画的过程不算顺利,由于小朋友没有足够的耐性,很多小朋友都是拿着笔在纸上乱涂两笔,然后就和旁边的哥哥姐姐玩了。我就好玩了,我旁边的小朋友拿着画笔乱舞,我的衣服不幸中了两招。唉,只能怪年少时没有练好武功。
发表于 2006-11-25 20:23:23 |


发表于 2006-11-25 22:21:32 |


发表于 2006-11-26 18:41:47 |


发表于 2007-2-28 13:57:11 |


发表于 2007-7-11 09:28:22 |


发表于 2007-7-11 09:35:54 |


Chi Lin School visited
To visit the Chi Lin School of the Guangzhou/ Before the Chi Lin School of understanding is only a mentally handicapped children in schools. inside the age of the children was relatively large. And Ka joints, on the road to doing new guidelines for the children here have a further understanding. Original Chi Lin School students mental retardation is not a very high level, basically take care of themselves in life, They entered here to learn some basic knowledge, and further independent study. The students here are generally weekend home, leaving behind most of the severe mental retardation and abandoned. And the same as before with curiosity the first time Chi Lin School. Approaching the classroom, suddenly heard a Noisy, follow the voice source, broke through a classroom window one brain, desperately crying sister. brother, the original children who come to see us, so excited? screaming. Originally here has put children as a brother and sister of a loved my brother and sister is the arrival of their happiness. If so, then we come over and spend a little time to bring happiness, would it not? Into the classroom, the children excitedly put up pulling our hands constantly called my brother and sister. Today';s arrangement is teach children to paint. We have a table with the middle of the classroom, and then sitting with the children organizations, each volunteer care of the two children. YOYO then put the brush and "the paper" distributed to the children and volunteers. "The paper" is only the newspapers, is this too casually, why not white? Later, it turned out, most kids do not have sufficient understanding, newspapers, and White are the same. paint will only allow them a pen on paper random graffiti. As the children left behind are mostly serious mental disorder, So our aim is not to teach them to learn to draw, but to let them understand that this is in the paint, a conceptual stage. The painting process is not smooth, because children do not have enough patience, many children are in the paper graffiti Nazhaobi two pens, and then on the next to a brother and sister to play. I have fun, the kids next to me holding a paintbrush knife and the clothes I misfortune in the two bills. Alas, not only blame when young Learn powers. Because children can not be quiet, paint, paint the arrangement could only end ahead of schedule visits from the end of the whole lot of time there, Akkad decided they often play a game of playing -- big winds. The game is very simple, volunteers and children who are devoted laughter. Game course some people will be fined, they need to show, then sing, dance has become one of the links. "A price on life", "Reservoir", "A Hero" and "Grateful Heart" and "there is only good mother." . . . . Became a scene of laughter Ocean, and were in the middle band to sing, other volunteers and children beside choir. sign language with some gymnastics, we are devoted. We brought joy of the children, but children not also bring us joy. A children left me a very deep impression, he likes to get people, who always jumped on the bandwagon of your body so that you sit. It must be fate may be, he always likes to go around me so that I hold. I hold him for quite a long time, take his time, he';s like Baby same quiet, keeping my head on the shoulder, I could feel his heart. Just as children eager to have the same father and mother. He was so desire, I do not really want to see him put down. Leaving, Ka tell us not to delay and to turn back, because of the fear that the children leave. In fact, the troupe is an enjoyable children, we are also the troupe. Have more time to come, what the children do not need us, they only need of our time, Since our time to bring joy to them, then we come over and spend a little time to bring happiness, Why not? Today find themselves the progress made is in the hands of children dragged the time been able to quite naturally, not have any particular ideas, I think I have been able to do when they look at the ordinary children, no discrimination, no fear, no sympathy. They really love to the heart. The first to Chi Lin School, also recognized a number of friends ... this is done by volunteers Another fun.
发表于 2010-12-24 00:29:01 |
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发表于 2011-2-19 15:32:52 |
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