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发表于 2007-4-10 12:36:18 | |阅读模式
Yunnan Institute of Development is an international training center for Development Instructors.
After you finish the education you can like many of our previous graduates apply for jobs in one of the many organizations that works with development.
From this program you will among other things learn:
- to see life in China in different way, to see poverty and struggle. In the
same time not to just watch and maybe comment, "how terrible it is..." but
you will be able to make difference, to take active part in helping the
poorest families, so they can have better life.
- to learn using different method of education, where the focus is on getting
practical experience
- to learn how to cooperate with other people, be a team member and how to be a
- to meet and work with people from many Chinese provinces, where people hare different traditions. You will be able to work together with foreigners and learn about
them and their culture and ways of life. You can make friends for all your
- to practice your English, because in the YID English is used every day
- to be a more independent and braver person, be more outgoing and have better self
esteem and be more open person.
When you will finish the program at YID, you can apply to go to India
or Zambia, where you can get even more experiences in development work.
After this training you will be able to access a completely new job market, the
development work market. China is still developing country so many NGO';s,
Chinese and foreign are looking for the young and experiences professionals who
will be able to work with them and address all the needed issues to support
people, to help protect environment, to educate children, to help people with
In the West taking part in development work, for many people is a way
of getting life experience, to find out what they want to do with their life, before
they will go to university or after university before they will start their
professional career. The employers will always welcome people with such
experience and knowledge, because they know much more about taking
responsibilities for themselves and others, they are willing to help others, so
they are better team players, they are more prepared for the challenges in life.
  Join YID and take part in this rewarding journey.
More information: www.volunteerchina.org

●结识来自中国不同省份,有着不同经历的人,并和他们合作。和国外人士一起               合作并学习他们健康的文化及生活方式。

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