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发表于 2009-10-21 23:55:18 | |阅读模式
Web Surf to Save Your Aging Brain上网能够救回你老化的大脑

Surfing the Internet just might be a way to preserve your mental skills as you age.

Researchers found that older adults who started browsing the Web experienced improved brain function after only a few days.

"You can teach an old brain new technology tricks," said Dr. Gary Small, a psychiatry professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the author of iBrain. With people who had little Internet experience, "we found that after just a week of practice, there was a much greater extent of activity particularly in the areas of the brain that make decisions, the thinking brain -- which makes sense because, when you're searching online, you're making a lot of decisions," he said. "It's interactive."

"You can exercise your mind by using the Internet, but it depends on how it's used," he explained. "If you get hooked on gambling or eBay shopping, that may not be positive."

Useful Expression

  • interactive [‘inter‘Aktiv]
     adj. 交互式的

  • hooked on 对。。。着迷

发表于 2009-10-22 08:05:21 |
Long time no see.
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