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发表于 2009-3-1 12:20:38 | |阅读模式
     今天,我教她写字,我们只学了8个字,因为她说要消化,要慢慢记忆;今天,我教她数学,我们只做了一章书的题目,她说她要消化,要慢慢复习,才能学下一章的知识;今天 ,我像老师一样,给她布置了作业,叮嘱她一定要做,下次还要考考她,她很高兴地接过了我布置的作业……看到她,我默默地对自己许下了承诺,有空一定要来教她,一定要帮助她改变命运,改变生活。
发表于 2010-1-30 22:56:45 |
发表于 2010-2-14 17:43:20 |
发表于 2010-5-28 11:54:38 |
发表于 2010-5-28 22:05:02 |
发表于 2010-6-2 16:34:20 |
Change Your Blank-Paper Life
By Mayzi (Liang Xinmei)

I chanced upon an aritcle a couple of days ago, one part of which read: “In our world, there are people who are overweight, and people who are almost skinny. There are people who are very tall, and people who are very short. Some people are white and some are black. In the same way, some people are abled and some are disabled. There is nothing in particular about some deformity in a human body, like missing an arm or a leg. So long as you treat your disability as one part of your body features, you wouldn’t worry yourself too much about it.” I hope these words will bring you some illumination and help you carry on with your hard life.
It was the second time that I had come to this recovery centre to spend some happy time with the children here who are diagnosed of having cerebral palsy. Only this time I was assigned not a child, but a girl who was only one year younger than me.
It was the second time I met her, though we did not talk the first time. Now she was my “object of service”. When she saw me, she was smiling and called me “Elder Sister”. She said she remembered me and when I asked her age she told me frankly. I said since we were both grown-ups and I was only one year older than her, she could simply call my name instead of “Elder Sister”. Nonetheless, she insisted on calling me “Elder Sister”, because, she said, she hoped to pay respect to all of us volunteer workers.
Since most of the children here are very young of age and have been abandoned by their parents, I was fairly surprised to find a big girl like her here. Although it was the first time we had chatted, she was very initiative. She told me frankly that she was an orphan and had been abandoned by her parents because of some deformity in her legs, that now she had forgotten how her parents looked, and she was like a blank sheet of paper, with not a relative or friend in the world. I remember reading in my psychology class cases when people poured on strangers all their worries proactively and quickly, it meant that they were feeling extremely empty at heart and are in critical need of consolence. I felt hearty sympathy about what she told me. But on the other hand, I felt she was one of the comparativly fortunate people among the extremely unfortunate ones here. In fact, most of the children here cannot even speak because of cerebral palsy. They are unable to express their needs, and some cannot even walk, leaving them totally dependent on others in daily lives. She, however, can do all those things, only she needs a crutch to support her when she walks around.
I asked her about her life and she, again, was very frank and direct. I found out that every day, besides doing the recovery exercises, she did only watch TV and sleep! “My life is very monotoned. It has been like this for many years. I feel very unhappy. Although I try to appear happy before people, you’ll see I’m very unhappy if you know me better.” It was sad to hear her saying those things. No one deserves to think like that, especially a young person! I told her happiness was gained through one’s own efforts, and not to be doled out by other people, and if you hold on long enough your life will not always be monotonous and you will find life is beautiful. I asked her what was the thing that she most wanted to do, she said “Reading”. “I can’t read a single character or do a single arithmetic problem. I know nothing. I really want to be able to read.” I was somehow very glad to hear her saying that. Perhaps she also knows “Knowledge can change your life”, I thought. “You’ll learn to write and do arithmetic problems. I’ll teach you! No problem!” I said to her.
She had tucked up two books, both Grade One textbooks, one Chinese and one mathematics. She wanted me to teach her starting from Grade One. So I obeyed her demands. And I found that she really knew “nothing”, not a single Chinese character, nor the simplest addition or reduction. I said to her: “You should work hard and persist. In order to catch up with others, you should never give up halfway.” She was really like a blank sheet of paper. It seemed nothing had been printed on her mind. It was hard work to teach her but I felt very happy because I believe everyone should be equal, including her. And she told me her wish, which was to live a normal person’s life, to go to school and work like a normal person. She wants to live a life she wants, not to be stuck in this centre and be “waited on” by others all her life!
     今天,我教她写字,我们只学了8个字,因为她说要消化,要慢慢记忆;今天,我教她数学,我们只做了一章书的题目,她说她要消化,要慢慢复习,才能学下一章的知识;今天 ,我像老师一样,给她布置了作业,叮嘱她一定要做,下次还要考考她,她很高兴地接过了我布置的作业……看到她,我默默地对自己许下了承诺,有空一定要来教她,一定要帮助她改变命运,改变生活。
Today I’ve taught her writing, but we learned only 8 Chinese characters; she said she needed time to digest and memorize them. Today I also taught her mathematics. But we learned only one chapter of the Grade One book because she said she needed time to digest and review the problems before she could move on to the next chapter. Today I was like a teacher, giving her homework, exhorting her to do it and warning to test her next time I came. Very happily she took down the homework…Looking at her, I made a solemn promise in my mind: I would come to teach her whenever I had the time and help her change her life, her destiny.
Life’s full of setbacks and frustrations. A person who has been through extreme hardships and difficulties will surely become more brave and persistent. Although we are still young, lacking in experience and age, we also have been through failures and troubles. She was no exception to the rule. Life will teach us to be tough. Every one of us will have to learn to brave the storms of life all by ourselves. The rainbow that appears after the storm may not be as glistening as everyone else’s, but so long as you learn to appreciate it, it will be your most beautiful rainbow!
Someone once said: “Life is like a book. Now that the book is opened, you will discover more and more knowledge in it. It will teach you a lot of things…” So long as you learn to discover, to really understand and explain the implicature of your life, you will live a wonderful life!
I hope that in the forthcoming days, you will allow us to accompany you on the reading trip of this book and change your “blank sheet of paper” life!
发表于 2010-11-27 13:23:24 |
发表于 2011-1-7 13:22:41 |
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发表于 2011-2-19 07:58:42 |
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发表于 2011-2-19 15:14:58 |
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发表于 2013-8-5 17:59:23 |
发表于 2014-4-19 21:24:13 |
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