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发表于 2008-11-6 15:31:09 | |阅读模式
I was hanging out with my female Chinese friend today (purely platonic, mind you..in almost two months the girl and I have shared no more physical contact than a handshake at hello and a light hug at goodbye), and after a long day of walking around Shamian and other spots, we came back to my place and made dinner as we sometimes do. After dinner, we were watching TV for a while, and all of a sudden she says "Can you give me a hug?" A little surprised at that, I said "Well sure" and gave her a hug.


"I just feel like I need a hug" she said "...I think I have skin hunger", she said. At first I thought she said "I think I'm still hungry", and she said "No, skin hunger...you don't know about this?"


I said "No, what is skin hunger?" She explained that, in Chinese culture, family members don't hug each other, don't express their feelings such as telling each other they love each other, etc. As she hadn't had a boyfriend in three years, she hadn't had a hug in three years, she told me. She said not even friends hug each other in China.


What she called skin hunger is a completely normal and natural human need for other human physical contact. She explained it was just 5,000 years of tradition in China. She says even Chinese boyfriends and girlfriends rarely hug each other, and never feel like they can really talk openly and honestly about everything between them.


She even admitted that she was actually embarrassed for asking me for that hug! She said that if I were Chinese, she wouldn't have even dared to ask - for fear that I might have thought she was crazy or a "bad" girl. She said she thought a lot of people feel the same isolation that she does though. I think this is so sad.


Talk to me, Zhong Guo renmin. Do you feel the above statements are generally true, and what do you think of this way of being? Tradition?...How can a people go for 5,000 years denying themselves and each other such a basic human need? Is there an innate emotional coldness among majority that allows this tradition to continue? Or, is there just such a strong sense of obligation to adhere to traditions even when they are unhealthy?




[ 本帖最后由 hellcat 于 2008-11-6 07:47 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-11-6 15:54:28 |
发表于 2008-11-17 10:13:56 |
skin hunger ,皮肤好饿——嗯,一个很精确的表述喔。



难道,中国人民就理当接受并且承受这种肌肤的饥饿?I hope NO!
发表于 2008-11-18 14:25:55 |
发表于 2008-11-18 14:58:49 |
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