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Oral Presentations 演讲

发表于 2011-2-23 13:31:40 | |阅读模式

Oral presentations


The ability to deliver oral presentations in a competent and confident manner is a skill that is vital for every contemporary business professional. Even the best ideas can be lost if they are not effectively communicated to others.

One important factor that sets oral communication apart from written communications is immediacy. Written communication offers authors the opportunity to revise their work continually, until they are satisfied that their message is clear and concise, before delivering the finished work to the reader. The reader can then absorb the message at leisure, reviewing the material as many times as is required to fully understand the author's point of view. In oral communication, the presenter usually has only one chance to deliver the message to the audience and, unless the presentation is recorded, the audience gets only one changce to comprehend the message.

When delivering an oral presentation, it is therefore very important that you use what might be your only chance to convey your message in the most effective manner possible.

Many very useful sources of information are available on how to deliver effective oral presentations. Students should refer to these for detailed information. The following gidelines below will provide a useful starting point for developing effective presentations.

(Taken from Wendy Fleet, Jane Summers and Brett Smith, 2001,p.94)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 13:40:21 |
*列出不懂或不熟悉的单词,e.g. Even the best ideas can be lost if they are not effectively(adv.有效地) communicated (v. 沟通)to others.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-2 19:22:22 |
本帖最后由 Jinneeho 于 2011-3-2 19:23 编辑

Oral presentations at universtiy

While it its important to read up on how to deliver good oral presentations, this alone will not make you a good presenter. The essential component in deverloping good oral communication skills is practice. During a student's study at universtiy, many opportunities are provided to practise and develop oral commnunication skills. This may simply involve participation in informal discussions during tutorial sessions and at residential schools, or it may involve delivering formal presentations that form a compnonent of assessment.

Sometimes students may be asked to prepare oral presentations on tape. The following gidelines will not only assist in the preparation of oral presentations, but will provide an indication of the points that will be cnsidered by those assessing the quality of student presentations.

Oral delivery of any formal presentation involves three main stages:
* preparing the presentation
* delivering the presentation
* handling questions from the audience.

(Taken from Wendy Fleet, Jane Summers and Brett Smith, 2001,p.94)
发表于 2011-12-29 20:35:12 |
how come only once chance? the teachers often said "any question?" "understand?"
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