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Jingle 分享之(1)--争当地球环保人

发表于 2009-6-8 00:33:11 | |阅读模式

What You Can Do To Go Green

There are number of things you can do to go green every day. Some of these items can even save you money in the long run. These are relatively simple things that you can do to increase your energy efficiency around the house, or to save the Earth in other ways(在其他方面):

1.  Use power strip(电源板) surge protectors for your electronics. Plug things like TVs, printers and computers into power strips with other similar items. Then, turn off the strip at night. It will help you stop electricity leaks when you aren’t using your electronics.

2.  Open the curtains. Use natural lighting when possible to help cut back(削减) on your electricity bill.

3.       Take public transportation. If you have access to inexpensive(adj.便宜的) public transportation, you can save money and the earth. Likewise(adv.同样地), biking or walking when you can, instead of driving, can conserve(v.保存,节约) resources, save you gas money and increase your health.


4.       Reusable shopping bags. These cost a little bit up front(之前,预先), but you will be actively working to save the planet. Or, if you already have a stock of plastic grocery bags, bring those to the store and reuse them.

5.       CFLs(Compact Fluorescent Lamp 节能灯). These are dropping in price. And, since they last longer and use less electricity than regular light bulbs.  Then you can start reaping(v.收割,收获) the savings (even if they do seem a little small).


1.  使用电源插座。 把诸如电视机,打印机及电视等电器插入插座中,然后夜晚关掉插座电源。这样可以防止您不用电器时电能的流失。

2.  拉开窗帘。尽可能利用自然光。这样可以减少电费。

3.  利用公共交通工具。如果你可以方便地到达便宜的公共交通,你就能省钱并能同时节省能源。同样地,骑自行车或步行代替开汽车,可以节约能源,节省汽油钱,还能强身健体。

4.  购物袋回收利用。这可能使您预先支出得多一点,但您将会为保卫地球而变得积极行动起来。或者如果您已经存有塑料杂物袋,把这些袋子带到商店再利用。


[ 本帖最后由 Jingle 于 2009-6-8 00:34 编辑 ]
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