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励志格言 每天一句英汉对照

发表于 2009-3-20 00:23:54 | |阅读模式
       He that lives in hope dance without music.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-26 23:17:20 |
Do not for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.
发表于 2009-3-29 12:23:57 |
发表于 2009-3-30 08:05:02 |
一死以谢天华Die for Laughing
经一事,蔡一智when sth happened, Choi Yet Chi
輕輕鬆鬆鄧梓峰easy easy Patrick Dunn
有志者 鄧竟成some one got a ideal, Tang King Shing
解鈴還需鈴木仁we need Takuya Suzuki to release a bell.
識時務者魏俊傑Marco NGAI Chun-Kit knows the situation
任務完成鄭裕玲Du Du finished her mission
路遙知馬力 日久見楊森The horses show their ability on the ways.   The sun has met YEUNG Sum for a long time.
舉頭三尺有黎明 (舉頭三尺有姚明)Yao/Leon is higher tan you 3f.
施丹莫望報Zidane doesn't want reward。
身輕如燕薜家燕The body light as a swallow Nancy Sit Ka Yin
痞低起身鄧健泓up and down Patrick Tang
雪白無霞沈殿霞show white Lydia
兒童不宜鄭欣宜18+Joyce Cheng
星光熠熠羅嘉良start flashing Gallen Lo
停車熄匙 葉劉淑儀stop the car and engine Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee
只要有創意 我愛廖啟智I love Kai Chi Liu  with originality
狗咬呂洞賓 不識龔如心 (狗咬關智斌 不識龔如心)Dog bit Kenny Kwan/lu, Dongbin, but it doesn't know Kung Yu Sum.
前言不對大宇The first words don't face Daewoo
踏破鐵鞋盧覓雪Michelle step on the damage iron shoes
三個臭皮匠 勝過一個甘國亮Many heads are better than one KAM KWOK LEUNG
驅除韃虜 歐陽震華Bobby Au-Yeung banishments barbarian
天下無不散之林夕there are no undispersed Albert Leung
滿城盡帶黃金寶Every one bring Wong Kam Po in the city.
不可吳日言語can't Yan Ng speech.
一串光陰八兩金strand times Baat Leung-Gam
條條大路通羅莽All roads lead to Meng Lo
前無去路 後有家英no outlet on te front, Law Kar-ying is on the back.
一日之計在EasonAn hour in Eason is worth two in the evening
基因突變梁舜燕genetic mutation Lily
秘密警察 余宜發secret police Andes Yue
鐵漢柔情尹揚明The Young Dragons Vincent Wan
西環浮屍卓韻芝Sai Wan floating corpse Cheuk Wan Chi
近水樓台張燊悅 Sun Yu Cheung of being in a favourable position   
夕陽無限好 只是岑建勳The setting sun had boundless beauty, just John Shum
不知所謂蒙嘉慧not know what someone is driving at Mung Ka Wai
東家唔打打撈家Don't work for east boss, fight  Gallen Lo。
屋漏偏逢陶大宇Misfortunes never come singly. When Michael Tao
吃不到的葡萄是宣萱The grape is Jessica
歡樂滿康華happy ,Hong Wah
趙學而時習之 余文樂乎? Hok Yee Chiu study sometime, does Shawn Yue?
蘇有朋自遠方來 張燊悅乎?ALEC SU is from the far place, does Sun Yu Cheung?
側田自有天相Justin Lo is well that ends well
無無謂謂黃夏蕙meaningless Ha-Wai Wong
一寸光陰八兩金 寸金難買盧巧音strand times Baat Leung-Gam,Candy Lo is expensive than 1in Gold。
多情自古朴志胤 此恨綿綿王書麒amorous from of old Park Ji Yoon,hate Wang Shuqi
若要人不知 除非曹宏威if you don't want people to know what you've done, you should be Tso,Wung Wai。 .
吊兒郎當成奎安lounge big foolish
ABCD新垣結衣ABCD Aragaki Yui  
五色靈芝張柏芝5 color glossy ganoderma Cecilia
一日不見如隔生抽does not meet one day just like to be  separated by soi
謝天謝地謝天華thx god Laughing
平生不作窺心事 半夜焦媛也不驚don't do te bad things, don't afraid of Perry Chiu at te mid night
平生不識黃又南 扮李小龍也枉然don't know  Wong You-Nam, play Bruce Lee is useless.
又係燒粟米甘橋 一早知你係谷德昭BBQ corn again? I know u are Kuk Tak Chiu
男兒志在呂方men's ideals are LUI, FONG
德成鄭融 融入周中kind is Stephanie Cheng,  blend into Gag Chow
柳暗花明安德尊hard time change into better time Anderson Junior。
只准周中放火,不許百姓點燈only allow Gag Chow incendiarism,  not allow people turn on the lights.
拜得神多自有徐天佑Ting Yau Tsui pary more.
車宛宛 馬蕭蕭Stephanie Che , horse yell
失敗乃霆鋒之母lose is the moter of Nicholas Tse.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-15 15:26:42 |
      The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

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